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How does retinol work?

How does retinol work? The process of retinol or retinoids in skin care is that retinoids will bind to retinoid receptors that are abundant in the epidermis. Then it will stimulate the expression of genes related to various skin processes, such as stimulating skin cell

Heart-healthy foods

Heart-healthy foods Eating healthy foods will help your heart function better. This is because the heart is a very important organ in the body. If our heart is not healthy, our body will become weak, making it easy for heart diseases to occur. Heart-nourishing foods

How to eat Avocado?

Avocado can be eaten fresh, cooked or made into a drink. Fresh avocado can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Fresh avocado can be eaten with bread, cereal, yogurt or other fruits. Avocado can also be used in cooking. Such as chicken breast salad, fried

Foods or food ingredients that contain trans fats include.

Trans fats is one of the types of fats, which are 3 types: saturated fat, unsaturated fat and trans fat. Which has the main component of unsaturated fatty acids with a trans structure food. White butter, margarine, artificial cream, sweetened condensed cream. (commonly used in making