Symptoms of anorexia.

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Anorexia causes sufferers to have a lack of appetite, have no desire to eat, want less food. And refuse to eat foods. They used to like or refuse to eat normal amounts of food. Sometimes, sufferers can go an entire day without eating anything. Even though they feel hungry. What follows is weight loss.

Most people who experience abnormal loss of appetite also experience other Anorexia symptoms. Such as feeling nauseous all the time, constipation, bloating, fatigue, insomnia, boredom with things around them. Or no motivation to live, feeling miserable in life. Or it may be so severe that they have suicidal thoughts UFABET  

Generally, if the cause is stress, the symptoms will usually go away on their own in 2-3 days, at most 1 week. Or until the stress improves. However, if you start to have severe symptoms like this. You should see a doctor immediately because it may be caused by a physical health problem that is a symptom of an illness. Such as:

  • Unable to try to eat at all for more than 3 days and feel nauseous all the time.
  • Unable to drink water or even attempt to eat liquids
  • Vomiting for more than 1 day
  • Rapid weight loss for no apparent reason
  • I feel pain when trying to eat food.
  • Not feeling like defecating, urinating less, with a strong odor and dark color, including constipation.

In addition, complications can occur if left untreated, leading to more severe symptoms. Such as fatigue, weight loss, irregular heartbeat, fever, and malnutrition.